In a world where 1 in 5 children reports being bullied, I can confidently assume that you, as the reader, either know someone who has been affected by bullying, has been the bully, or was the victim of a bullying situation ( National Center for Educational Statistics, 2019) Our country's response to this overwhelming number was to implement zero-tolerance policies as a means of ending bullying. However, because of the lack of intervention programs, the aggression that a bully shows isn't stopped and their behavior isn't corrected. These programs and policies are often successful at short-term remediation of the behaviors but are not based on the "psychobiological model of bullying that provides a framework for understanding the causation and prevention" thus ultimately ignoring "the factors operating throughout the development of the child that contributed to the bullying behavior of that child" (LeBlanc, 2001). Ultimately, this leaves our students wit...