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How can educators respond to aggressive behaviors in students to support their socioemotional growth and development?

One out of every five students reports being bullied (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2019) and, as such, it's imperative that this problem be labeled as what it truly is, an epidemic. Every day, students in overwhelming numbers experience increased anxiety, depression, self-harm, eating disorders, and other destructive behaviors while the child who is acting as the bully is dealing with their own internal emotional turmoil. As such, the educational system is plagued with a never-ending cycle of bullies continuing to bully and being deemed "bad" people, thus not receiving the attention they need in response to the behaviors they exhibit. This blog is committed to helping educators and other worried individuals solve the bullying epidemic through compassion and research-based methods. 


National Center for Educational Statistics. (2019). Bullying Statistics 

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Martin, C. (2022). Original text. Image created using: at March 21, 2022. 


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